2017 went out with a bang and our ears have still been ringing since 2018 began. A crucial topic of conversation is this Net Neutrality issue our new President has set forth in front of us. Our everyday lives and stability hangs in the balance as its a possibility our access to the internet will become a daily fee and daily headache.
“We're all adults, lets play fair”
Their have been whispers of the Trump administration attempting to weaken the poorer demographic of United States by making access to the internet much more difficult. Across the states many business have objected to the change of Net Neutrality, this way add an unnecessary business expense. Charges for social media, google etc.
Get up and Get out
To some just the thought of paying for these free social media platforms may be too much to fathom, but what that will lead to is this generation coming up to GO OUTSIDE!Which in a sense was lot due to this high speed internet access of the Technology age. Those 2000 babies had profiles before they could cross the street. And sadly that enables there in person communication skills.
“*Deep Breath* Hi How you doing?!”
Okay this is not a trap, but in some ways this situation could help us. How? You say. It will force society to look up from their founds and finally unplug from the matrix. People live within their heads because of social media making society so self conscious that lying is acceptable. Catfish is a show....Let that resonate.